Monday, July 29, 2013

WOOHOO!!! (Colombia)

FINALLY!!!!!  We have been in Cartagena now for over a week waiting for the car.  Highlights included, eating at the same cheap restaurants everyday, watching the entire first season of Newsroom, napping, reading books, Zumba in the Getsmani square, paying a cab to go to the closed shipment office on Saturday (when it was actually Sunday), walking around the mall for some great AC action, watching movies, getting a total of 5 new roommates, and calling the shipment office every 30 minutes along the way.
Today´s highlights include getting the news that we will be able to pick the car up this afternoon, buying car insurance, and GETTING THE CAR!!!!
Tonight, we will pack, and head out for a long long drive tomorrow morning to Medellin.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo good luck with the next chapter, girl!!! :)
