Kathleen's Thoughts

Friday, March 20, 2015
Jeez, it's been a while since I've written on this, and I plan to be better about it in the coming weeks.  Working on my last few trip locations since Vanuatu to now in New Zealand.  So much about my life has changed just in the past two month since I've been here!  I wanted to quick share one thing though.  I saw an ad or something Facebook talking about what advice you would give your younger-self.  Two things sort of popped into my mind one right after the other.  One I will share, as I think it was pretty cool, the other I will not...yet.  My first thought was...nothing!  I'm not necessarily someone that thinks that "everything happens for a reason".  I don't NOT believe in that, I just don't feel strongly one way or the other.  However, I DO believe that every decision, no matter how small affects your path and future.  Every decision I've made has put me here in this spot, listening to music on my computer, chatting with a friend from home, prepping for my new job where I'm learning new skills, and looking out my window in my bedroom at the sunny day outside.  Here, in New Zealand, one of my favorite countries.  Anyway, I liked that advice, and thought I would share it.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Hi all!  So, I'm trying to do some work on the blog and revamp it a bit to make it more user friendly, WHICH is why I haven't posted anything in a while!  Stay tuned though, because Jared and I went to New Zealand, and had THE MOST AMAZING time!!!  Everyone needs to just take my word for it and go ahead and move there!  ...Or at least visit.  It was the most beautiful country we've been to thus far, and I'm in love.  Actually, playing around with the idea of getting a work visa there after Australia, to explore a bit.  All up in the air at this point, but I just wanted to give a quick update, and let you know, I haven't completely given up this blog endeavor.  Miss you all!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Well, we officially finished the first leg of this adventure, on which we have embarked.  I would've liked to keep this personal section better updated, but the blog thing is tough, in that it is time consuming.  As I wrote most of the blog entries, I hoped, though, that you could get a sense of my state of mind through my words.
Overall, this has been amazing.  We got to experience so many amazing things in such a short amount of time.  Highlights for me were:

  • The beaches of Tulum-if you ever want to experience one of the most sublime ocean views of your life, that is your spot.  Perfectly clear water, and clean, pristine sands.  Also, it's nice because it's not insanely overrun with tourists
  • Guatemala-as a country the landscape is beautiful.  This was one of the countries where having our own car was a gem.  We would not have been able to really see anything outside of the main cities had we not driven ourselves.  Tikal's ruins were breathtaking;  half fully excavating, half-consumed by the jungle, with wild animals roaming freely, you felt like you had stepped out of a time capsule, and an indigenous native could jump out at you at any minute.  Also, Semuc Champay was amazing!  I especially loved the cave tour by candle light.  The trek to the viewpoint was killer, but the views paid off!  Lastly, getting to swim and slid from limestone pool to limestone pool was great fun.  Oh, and getting to see a soccer game, and the legendary Messi play!
  • Nicole and Eliza-getting to experience part of this with my best friend was wonderful for me.  A month in, with 2 boys, and god-awful CD's, and it was nice to have a girlfriend with whom to share my mind.  Having Nicole leave was terribly sad, and really settled the idea that I was not going to see my people for a very long time; a truly sad prospect.   I wished she could have stayed longer...indefinitely...is that too much to ask!?  And as usual, getting to see Eliza is always a highlight.  As my best friend from Uruguay (if you're reading this section, it most likely means you are one of my friends [as opposed to Jared's], and you probably know Eliza), at 13 years old, she is probably, one of my closest (if not the closest), old friend I have.  Geographical separation always seems to plague our friendship, but everytime we reunite, it's like not a day has gone by.  I was indulged in being allowed to spend so much time in Nicaragua with Eliza.
  • Machu Picchu-a lot of people do not enjoy Machu Picchu, complaining it has become too touristy.  That may be so, but it is also one of the best kept ruins in the world.  The jungle has not destroyed this city like it has so many other ruins throughout Central and South America, forcing false recreations to supplement the structures.  I also quite enjoy a bit of legwork to earn an experience.  The hike to the top of Montana Machi Picchu was tough, but not so tough that I wanted to kill myself at any point (insert Patagonia), and provided a huge payoff in the end.
  • Salar de Uyuni-do not confuse the entire trip, or really even the salt flats, as my highlight.  To be honest, tourists generally get sold the 3 day tour for the salt flats in Bolivia, which for me, consisted of entirely too much driving, and not enough site seeing.  However, watching the sunrise over the mountains, from a thermal bath next to a steaming lake, was stunning. I'm not sure if I saw anything more beautiful on the trip; maybe Patagonia.  
  • Iguazu Falls-there is a reason they are a Wonder of the World.  Everyone says the Argentine side is better, and to a certain extent I agree, but I will also reiterate that you cannot see the true magnitude of the falls from just the Argentine side.  I had been to the Argentine side before, and was very happy that I was able to view the Brazilian side this time.
  • Rio and Buenos Aires-these need to be on people's travel plans for the future.  I will be going back to both at some point in my life.
  • Uruguay-completely selfish reasons.  I missed my life there.  It's entirely possible that I peaked at age 15, so it was nice to bring those memories back.  Plus, I highly suggest tango lessons for everyone!!  Super fun!
  • Patagonia-the glaciers and hiking were epic.  The most gorgeous landscape I've ever seen.  I liked the physical treks; however, maybe that 6 hour day with my pack could have been shortened a smidge.  I would love to go back in the future and rehike Patagonia over a longer period of time...with waterproof pants and shoes.
I'm currently in Australia, the Gold Coast, hanging out with Luca;  Erin is arriving Monday.  Her family has taken me in, and each member that I have met are true and utter GEMS!  They have made me feel so welcome and at home.  Because I'm not able to fly home and see my family and friends, it really helps to have these moments with wonderful people.  I'm so happy to be hear and see such friendly faces.  Last night, Luca and I stayed up late, drinking wine, and chatting the night away...just like old times.
Traveling non-stop, and always being "super tourist" can be exhausting.  I am in no way trying to complain, just share my feelings.  Homesickness, and real sickness, are not really given an opportunity with which to be dealt.  Physical and mental exhaustion creep in occasionally.  Skype and FaceTime have been my saving graces.
Lastly, I'm sure people have been scratching their heads throughout this trip about me and Jared.  When we embarked on this trip, to be honest, we didn't know each other all that well.  I mean, not as well as one might think when they hear 2 people are going to do this together.  We definitely had our share of fights, yelling, and bickering;  it's hard to be around someone 24/7.  We have had to work a lot on our communication; at this point, we know the exact phrase/look/tone of voice that will tick the other one off.  But, it's also been great to have another person with whom to experience all of this.  Solo travel is hard, and can be lonely; we were truly lucky to find one another at the exact right time in our lives to embark on this trip.  Overall, being able to share good, bad, and ugly is important, and we have seen all of that in each other.
Oh, lastly, lastly, Australia nursing...driving me BONKERS!!  As in the US, you have to be registered as a nurse in Australia in order to practice.  I spent months, and tons of money, preparing my documents for the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, before I left, and I sent out everything right before leaving.  That was nearly 6 months ago.  Three times they have emailed requesting more information ("you didn't get notaries correctly", "we need the breakdown of your theoretical/practical/clinical class hours from college", and now "we need all of your syllabi fro every nursing class from college").  It's getting a bit ridiculous, because it seems like they are actually making up new things.  None of this was mention 5 and a half months ago, when they first received my documents.  Anyway, needless to say, I will not be hitting the ground running, like I had planned.  I am currently still in the process of getting everything together for them, so I will not be able to work for minimum probably 2 months, ug!  I will most likely have to find other work, but as usual, I'll try to keep you all updated.
Now that I am in Australia, I imagine my day-to-day life will be much less interesting, so I probably will not be posting as often.  We'll see, maybe in the beginning I will continue with the posts.  

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Last night ingot to tick off one of my to-dos for the trip, which was to see a soccer game. I'm glad everyone indulged me, and was even willing to drive 4 hours out of the way for it. I think everyone else enjoyed it as well. My legs are still giving me a run for my money, and it's quite hard to get any sleep as I'm scratching and trying to keep cool compresses on all night. Usually it improves some time around 3am, but before that sleep is just pretty elusive. I sort of expected these steriod shots to kick in faster, but I still have 3 more days of shots, so I'm hopeful.

Wednesday, June 12, 2014

 Omg!! I am so miserable! I have poison ivy or some load of crap rash. It itches and burns and stings and looks horrifying!!! I've started resorting to wrapping my legs in bandanas soaked in cold water. I was literally on the brink of tears throughout the entire Tikal trek. OH!!! AND my effing hiking boot broke! Literally during our trek in the freaking jungle the entire bottom part of my shoe came off...not loose...off and lying on the ground with my boot on my foot. Uh the heat and sweat kill the rash on my legs and of course its right after I leave the ocean. I'm just hoping for mildly temperate weather until I can get to the beach and soak it in the water. Lord I hope this goes away fast.

Friday, May 25, 2013

Sorry to those that try to stay updated. In San Cristobal, I was running around trying to figure out our next move and then in Palenque, you had to pay for wifi, so I just never got on. Things have been crazy. As I mentioned, Jared's friend passed away the other day, which has been really gut wrenching. Jared holds in his emotions a lot about that type of stuff, so I don't want to push, but I can tell sometimes he's so upset. Honestly, that poor boy has been through more loss than anyone should ever have to. I'm not entirely sure how to handle him, but thus far things have going smoothly enough after something like that.
 On a different note, this has definitely been a learning experience in human interaction. I've never been in constant contact with people for such long periods of time. There is literally almost no down time. Even when you go to the bathroom there are either no doors or crappy half stalls usually. Apart from my occasional PMS moments, we have done a very good job of getting along. I get slightly annoyed when they gang up on me to make fun of me, but it comes with the territory. I guess I'm just thankful I have brothers who taught me to deal with that. Also, modesty goes right out the window when you have stomach issues like you can here. Ive been lucky thus far (knock on wood), but again, we've all been really understanding about everything. Also, due to my female hormones, I'm breaking out like crazy, combined with being in a constant state of sweat and wearing dirty clothes, I bet I'm a real gem to be around.
 We have met so many awesome people. There is really a travelers culture of meeting and immediately becoming friendly. Lots of email and facebook information exchanges. So many people are either doing the reverse journey or moving in the same direction; there is a pretty neat exchange of traveling information, secret night tours, cheapest hostels, off-the-beaten-track gems. We have already ran into people from previous places. Anyway, its late and I'm the last one up.

Monday, May 13, 2013

I am pretty sure I am PMSing, because everything is annoying me...nuff said.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A quick shout out to Monica Martinez for taking Jared and me out in Monterrey. It was wonderful getting to see an old friend from Uruguay, and she took us to a very cool part of the city, allowing us to see a part of Monterrey we would not have otherwise! She was very hospitable and generous! Hope to see you again soon Monica! Also a huge thanks to Kristopher Shelton for housing us in Tampico. Great guy and so overly generous with his home and time!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

 HUGE shout out to my sis-in-law and brother for my super gringo hat. I look like I'm straight out of the Outback, but at least I'm not stuck in bed with sun poisoning...plus I think I look cute from the Outback! The guys make fun of my excessive use of sunblock, but we'll see who gets the last laugh!!! ...probably them :( We've meshed really well thus far, both guys are pretty chill, I'm definitely the high strung one. I bought a phone, so its nice that now we can call hostels and hotels for information. I'm also glad I brought my kindle in the end. Everytime I shower I do a bit of laundry, underwear, socks, which by the way turn black whenever I wear them with my boots. Note to others, don't bring white socks. We are about to be off for dinner, and then maybe grab a couple beers in the neighborhood. Gonna head out early tomorrow for our next stop!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

If you really want to help me, you will send me CDs that are not angry boy music!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Alrighty, well everything seems to be as ready as it will ever be.  I gave my mom power-of-attorney, I got my health insurance, and sent off my Aussie paperwork.  We will be leaving today at 0500.  The car is packed, and I am about to shut off my phone service.  I'm not entirely sure what my availability will be, but for all my lovies my skype name is kathleen.ashby1.  Signing off of my cell, love all.  xoxox

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Australiaaaaa (that's a heavy sigh, not excitement).  We haven't discussed this on the blog, but we've been working to try to get work visas in Australia.  Clint is planning on leaving us there :( to go to school, and we figured this would probably be the only place where we could work and get some real money back into our bank account, to further trek on to SE Asia. I think as of today, I might (hopefully) be officially done!!!!
It's been a bit more of an arduous process for us, because Jared and I both had to get pretty extensive health workups, because he was in Afghanistan, and I work in a hospital.  Note to all people attempting to work in medicine in Australia...the health exam will cost you around $500 (probably a little less, if you don't live in the most expensive city in the US).  That does not include the cost of applying for the visa ($380).  THEN, because I enjoy torturing myself, I applied to become registered as a nurse in Australia.  This was the most amount of paper chasing I've ever had to do!  I think I'm about to write a big fat check (AGAIN) for $551 for this, but it will all be worth it if I can become registered.  It is probably the only thing I'm really good at...I've been a waitress...it did not go well for patrons of the restaurant. 
Thus far, both of our work visas have been approved (!!!), so I'll keep you updated on the status of the registration.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I left NYC on Monday; I'm currently in Houston with Jared and Clint.  I just wanted to send out a big hug and kiss to my whole NYC family.  You guys have made me fall in love with my life up there.  I hope to see you all again, and hope you will come visit.  I'd also like to give my PICU people a shout out; I learned so much from everyone, and became a better nurse because of all of you.  Thanks so much!!  I will miss you all!

Friday March 22, 2013

I put in my notice of resignment from my job.  I'm giving up my seriously plush NYC life for this potentially ridiculous trip.  A massive amount of uncertainty embedded in this whole idea vs. maintaining the status quo, which is a pretty damn comfortable status. I have to practically give away all  the furniture and apartment items that I've racked up over the past 6 years in 6 different apartments.  I've finally found my gem: east village, true two bedroom, quiet, clean, roof access. 
BUT an opportunity like this is not to be taken lightly.  Not too many people are as adventurous...or potentially dumb, as me, and so for that reason, I am jumping on this band wagon south.  As much planning as possible has been put into this, and I have contradicting information pouring out of my ears.  I'm throwing caution to the wind; I am not a pioneer, but I will blaze my own trail.
ANYWAY....one month left in this city of ALL cities.  Gotta make it memorable with all my favorite people and places!!


  1. LOVE YOU TIA . . . we miss you already. Have the time of your life (as if you need me to tell you that). MUAH!!!!!

  2. Victoria RosenbloomMay 7, 2013 at 7:09 AM

    good luck to all of you!!!! enjoy every minute of of it and be EXTRA SAFE!!!! Love Victoria and John
