Monday, May 27, 2013

Where's the Tent? (Mexico)

Nice and early the next morning (I have literally been sitting here trying to figure out what day it was, and am now giving up on that), Jared came in to get me up for a morning workout. SATURDAY!!!! It wad Saturday haha. So we went on a jog and then did situps...both if which sucked. Then we got ready for the day and headed out for some cheap breakfast. Thankfully no one has caught on that our car is malfunctioning, so there she was, completely rob-able, with the truck not locking, and no one the wiser. We quick ran over to the Chevy dealership hoping for a piece to lock the truck, but they were out, so we headed back to the hostel to pack and head out. The drive to Chichen-Itza was superb and fast. We did get stopped at 2 checkpoints, one of which they had us actually get out to search the car. They were very nice about the whole thing, chatting us up throughout, and then let us be on our way. We got in around 3pm to our new spot, Yucatan Mayan Retreat camp. The place was very nice, and practically empty (there was only one other person staying there). As we were unloading the camp, we realized that Clint's pride and joy, the tent, was missing and had, in fact, been left in Campeche. After frantically, and unsuccessfully, trying to get in touch with Monkey Hostel, Clint decided he would drive back, and against Jared and my better judgement, wanted to go it alone. At least Clint still has his cellphone, so we knew he could contact anyone if he got in trouble. Off poor Clint went to get his tent, and Jared and I tried to set up a makeshift sleeping area. Luckily, we had all the essentials, tarp, mosquito net, bed pads etc. We were not really staying in the main town of Chichen-Itza, which is about a 15 minute drive...completely fine when you have a car. So we set out to find food and entertainment. Luckily, Mexico is full of natural and man-made wonders, and we found a cenote (lagoon set deep into the earth) with a restaurant AND a store that sold 1.2 liter beers for $25 pesos, definitely the best price yet. Dinner was yum, and they let us drink our own beer,thankfully as we finally stumbled upon our hottest salsa yet! Unfortunately, the cenote closed at 5pm, but the only other guest at our hotel joined us for the tail end of dinner, so we hung out a bit. On our walk back, we grabbed a few more liter beers (for our British hotel-mate and myself as Jared was already buzzed). The rest of the night we spent hanging with out new friend, Simon, who had just started out his year-long traveling adventure. Sleep was actually quite nice, not as noisy or hot as jungle camping...for all those looking into camping in the jungle vs forest.

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