Today was a good and tiring day. We woke up without alarm clocks for the first time! Had a better breakfast as we had learned to stay away from the mystery meat concoction. Then after lubing up with sunblock again, we headed out to TeotiHUAcan, which I discovered I had been mispronouncing the whole time. We made a friend in one of our room mates, so she came along with us. We hopped on the subway, which is clean and easy to maneuver. Then hopped on a bus to the ruins. Teotihuacan is pretty amazing and expansive, much much larger than Tenochtitlan, which is somewhat crammed into the modern city blocks surrounding it. We did alot of walking and were fully winded after climbing the two large pyramids. We got some pretty awesome pictures, and while at the top discovered some other tourists smoking weed, which we thought was a super perilous idea, and you still had to walk down the massive and treacherous steps...funny non-the-less.
What was once this... |
 | now this. |
By the end, we were all exhausted, hunger, and thirsty. After we rehydrated with delicious cold water, we got back on the bus, just missing a big downpour. On the bus, we all started our naps, when suddenly a police officer with an automatic gun of some sort (you{d have to ask the guys) came on asking to search everyones (I cannot find the apostrophe, sorry) belongings. He proceeded to take out the sunglasses from our new friends purse, as if he had never seen any before, put them on, and was satisfied that they were not infact an improvised explosive; gave them back and exited the bus. When we got back, we had another great dinner and are now settling down and showering for bed.
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