Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cataratas do Iguaçu y del Iguazú (Brazil and Argentina)

The Falls could take pages in itself to fully describe the natural wonder and imagination it instills in viewers.  We saw this natural wonder from both the Brazilian and Argentinian sides and what we saw was unbelievable and inspiring.  I have read that negative ions created by waterfalls emanate into surrounding people creating peaceful bliss and endless smiles.  I do not know if this is true, but within moments of arriving and setting my gaze on this beautiful, heart-stopping scene, my mouth parted and gave way to a huge smile that lasted the entire time we were there.  These 150 to 300 waterfalls are 2.7km wide and between 60 to 80 meters tall.  Imagine getting so close to these falls, the mist sweeps across your entire view-you feel the beads of water cover your face as you close your eyes, your clothes become damp, the coolness is invigorating and when you finally begin to slowly open your eyes as the mist recedes, you see the most beautiful rainbow right in front of you.  It is these moments, when your breath is taken away by beauty or love that you feel God, a double rainbow all the way across the sky moment if you will.  There are few places like this around the world and few moments in life when you are lucky enough to be given this, that it goes without saying that I humbly stood there just staring in awe for countless minutes every few steps.  I think it was Kathleen that compared the scene to the movie Jurassic Park, in that the Falls seemed to be an untouched reserve of lush forest opening up unto these imposing falls of archaic beauty right out of the movies.      

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